SEXY GREEK BOYS looking to get back on track against CANNON & WEN

Our next match announcement for BATTLE CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING 52 features two thirds of the newly formed faction in CARLO CANNON and ZHAN WEN versus THE SEXY GREEK BOYS – SAM YANNIS and the returning LEVI NIXON!

At BCW 51 SAM YANNIS attempted to defend the honour of his fallen brother NIXON against The Parea to no avail. THE SEXY GREEK BOYS have not forgotten about THE PAREA and have agreed this match to put them one step closer to a golden opportunity and a possible date with the champions.

Opposing THE SEXY GREEK BOYS is CARLO CANNON and ZHAN WEN, whom together with EMMAN AZMAN shocked the Battle Kingdom by forming an alliance and decimating Cletus last show. Now looking to be back on top, the FILIPPINO MOCHACHINO and the ONE MAN DYNASTY start their own journey for gold.

On Friday 30 June 2023, will THE SEXY GREEK BOYS win their way back on track or will CARLO CANNON and ZHAN WEN place the BCW Tag Team Division on notice?

Book your tickets now to find out live at the Whitehorse Function and Convention Centre at 298-336 Burwood Hwy, East Burwood:…/battle-championship…/152438

NB: VIP Front Row Ticket will include a Front Row Seat, Photo Opportunity with SAMURAY DEL SOL and LINCE DORADO and an A5 Poster Card signed by SAMURAY DEL SOL and LINCE DORADO.