Our next match announcement for BATTLE CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING 49 where TITO SANTANA will be the special guest commissioner is a GRUDGE REMATCH featuring GABRIEL WOLFE with ENYO CROWS versus TOMMY HELLFIRE!
During the 4th Edition of the Battle Rumble, HELLFIRE could not help his Groom tendencies as he bent down on one knee and attempted to propose to ENYO CROWS. An irate WOLFE went to clobber HELLFIRE only to miss and hit CROWS before being eliminated by HELLFIRE. WOLFE re-entered the Rumble of his own accord and toppled out HELLFIRE leading to their showdown at BCW 48.
Last show WOLFE kept CROWS at home and declared that he would break the legs of HELLFIRE so he could never propose again. HELLFIRE was unperturbed, only to find out WOLFE did not care about winning or losing and low blowed him to cause the disqualification before going to work on HELLFIRE trying to damage him for good.
We now know COMMISSIONER TITO SANTANA’S stipulations for the balance of the BCW 49 card, but which stipulation will apply to this GRUDGE REMATCH?
a) Dog Collar Match;
b) Blindfold Match;
c) Fan’s Bring the Weapon’s Match;
d) Brass Knuckles on a Pole Match;
e) Dungeon Match;
f) Winner Get’s the Bride’s Kiss Match.
On Friday 25 November 2022, will HELLFIRE get a clean victory, or will WOLFE finally break the legs of his foe on the way to his own victory? Will the presence or non-presence of CROWS play a role?
Book your tickets now to find out live at the Whitehorse Function and Convention Centre at 298-336 Burwood Hwy, East Burwood:
NB: Special packages available for BCW 49 and An Evening With El Matador Tito Santana the night prior emanating from the Performing Arts Centre at Ashwood High School.