BATTLE CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING 45 is now in the history books, producing the following results:
1 – BCW Tag Team Championship Match: Maddog/Cletus (c) Vs Zhan Wen/Emman The Kid
The first Championship defence for the BCW Tag Team Champions saw an injured Cletus take part. In what looked like a possible surprise victory by Zhan Wen and Emman The Kid, slowly saw the experience of the Champions take over. Maddog and Cletus eventually hit the double team Pile Driver for the win and retained their BCW Tag Team Championships.
Winners: … AND STILL BCW Tag Team Champions, Maddog & Cletus via pinfall
2 – Sketch Vs Sam Yannis
The debuting Sexy Greek Boy, Sam Yannis impressed with his charisma as he took it to the Killshot Sketch. Though once back in control Sketch was simply too much for Yannis and nailed him with the Shining Wizard for the win.
Winner: Sketch via pinfall
3 – Johnathan Preston Vs Lucius Wulfe
(Johnathan Preston must win to avoid being banished from the Battle Kingdom for twelve months)
In what was supposed to be a BCW Battle Express Championship match between Mitch Waterman and “Preston” saw Johnathan Preston come out to confirm his brother Sean was violently ill before the Champion, Waterman came out to confirm his foot injury would not allow him to compete. Johnathan demanded Mitch relinquish his title, before Mitch reminded Johnathan that Championships are earned not given in the Battle Kingdom. Enter, Melbourne’s newest resident Lucius Wulfe ready for a match. An irate Johnathan called conspiracy, blaming Announcer Bass for all these changes of recent date before stating he would not be competing against Lucius Wulfe. Not a moment later Bass announced with a whisper from Mitch who received word from BCW Management that if Johnathan did not compete tonight he would be banished from the Battle Kingdom for twelve months, before confirming Johnathan must also win his match tonight.
The bell rang, which saw Preston roll out of the ring on multiple occasions to get away from Wulfe, before eventually engaging. The power of Wulfe appeared to be too much for Preston, as Wulfe impressed the longer this match went on. However the wily Preston found his feet with a no look low blow before snatching the Battle Express Championship from Mitch Waterman at ringside eventually leading to its use on Wulfe behind the referee’s back causing Wulfe to be counted out, and Johnathan Preston declared the winner.
Winner: Johnathan Preston via count out
4 – BCW Women’s Championship: Mortar (c) Vs Vixsin
After more than 24 months on hiatus, Mortar returned in what can only be described as a match between two super humans as the Champions faced off against the Hardcore Bitch Vixsin. Going blow for blow and power move for power move saw Vixsin kick out of Mortar’s best and Mortar kick out of Vixin’s best. Multiple Choke Bombs later by the challenger sealed the deal ending Mortar’s almost 1,100 day reign as BCW Women’s Champion and the undefeated streak to go with it.
Winner: … AND NEW BCW Women’s Champion Vixsin via pinfall
5 – Gauntlet Match: Gore Vs Cadman, Gore Vs Stevie Filip, Gore Vs Tome Filip
Gore, out for revenge started this matchup against the Mighty Cadman. Though this contest was short lived as Cadman purposely caused the DQ attacking Gore with a chair to weaken his fiery foe.
Stevie Filip immediately entered the ring for part two of the Gauntlet, taking control of Gore and taking advantage of his weakened foe. However Gore recovered and eventually hit the disconcerting Stevie with a dominator for the win.
The final act saw Tome Filip quickly enter the ring with Stevie and Cadman still at ringside. Gore looked to have the Tiger under control, until multiple distractions by Stevie and Cadman. In a moment Tome took advantage rolling up Gore using the second rope for leverage to gain the win.
After the match the Triumvirate continued their beatdown of Gore before the BCW Tag Team Champions, Maddog and Cletus ran in for the save.
Winner: Tome Filip via pinfall in Match 3 of the Gauntlet
6 – Carlo Cannon Vs Levi Nixon
Returning to the Battle Kingdom, the Filipino Moccachino took on the Sexy Greek Boy, Levi Nixon. Levi impressed early, gaining control before Carlo took over achieving the pinfall victory. After the match Carlo gave the delusional Levi Nixon props, leading to the Sexy Greek Boy believing he had actually won the match.
Winner: Carlo Cannon via pinfall
7 – BCW Heavyweight Championship No.1 Contenders Match: Mick Moretti Vs Robbie Eagles
In a Main Event that was always destined to have everything achieved exactly that as Robbie Eagles and Mick Moretti left it all out in the ring. Move for move and pinfall attempt after pinfall attempt saw a groggy Rapscallion hit an elevated Curb Stomp to win the match and officially be declared the BCW Heavyweight Championship No.1 Contender.
Winner: Mick Moretti via pinfall