Last night BATTLE CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING 41 took place and these were the results:
1. BCW Battle Express Championship Match:
Cletus Vs Mitch Waterman (c)
The Bogan and the H2O Man did battle for almost the duration of ten minutes. Cletus looking to close the show, missed his opportunity with the Shooting Star Press allowing Waterman to package up the Bogan for the victory.
Winner: AND STILL BCW Battle Express Champion Mitch Waterman via pinfall
2. Aysha Vs Vixsin
In what was supposed to be Aysha’s shot at gold, turned into Aysha’s defining moment over the returning Vixsin. The Hardcore Bitch entered this contest looking for revenge after falling twice to Aysha. However history repeated itself for the third time as Aysha rolled into a victory unexpectedly using the ropes for assistance and the win.
Winner: Aysha via pinfall
3. Tome Filip Vs Gore
In a rematch from last year where Filip complained of “not being ready” this time round looked to be different for the Tiger, until it was not. Gore although with a little more struggle clobbered his way to victory after a devastating Dominator.
Aftermath: During Gore’s celebration the returning Cadman who has not been seen for nearly four years arrived back to the Battle Kingdom. Cadman destroyed Gore and assisted Tome Filip in getting one up on his formidable foe before leaving Cadman and Tome left as new best friends.
Winner: Gore via pinfall
Announcement: Bass announced that The Preston Kindred were in quarantine before delivering their direct message referring to the Battle Kingdom as “Human Filth” and “Spit Bathing Scum.”
4. Mick Moretti Vs Maddog
In a rematch twelve months in the making, Moretti and Maddog went at it. In a technical affair it was the “on a roll” Rapscallion that wrestled his way against the Crazy Canine for the one…two…three.
Winner: Mick Moretti via pinfall
Aftermath: Adam Brooks appeared on screen to congratulate Mick Moretti on his victory before reminding him that he had never beaten the Greatest Ledge Of All Time.
Aftermath: A wounded Maddog remained in the ring when Cletus arrived to assist Bass with some promotion. This led to an impromptu discussion and then a Hardcore Challenge for the BCW Tag Team Championships against the Preston Kindred or the Kindred Spirits as put by Maddog.
5. Bug Cuz/Sketch Vs Carlo Cannon/Zhan Wen
In a tag team contest consisting of two blood feuds within it, after some traditional wrestling the action spilled out. Cuz falling to the outside gave the opportunity for Wen and Carlo to hit a Chokeslam Back Cracker combination on Sketch to allow Wen to cover him for the win.
Winners: Carlo Cannon/Zhan Wen via pinfall
6. BCW Heavyweight Championship:
Gabriel Wolfe w/Enyo Crows Vs Nick Bury (c)
The match that had to happen, did happen between the one time Champion Gabriel Wolfe and the current Champion Nick Bury. The hot crowd made it known as to who they supported as these two combatants went hammer and tong. Enyo Crows showing her importance caused enough distractions to almost allow Wolfe to light Bury on fire just as he did Maddog. Thankfully Bury fought his way out of it and locked Wolfe in a Crossface and then Rings of Saturn as Wolfe passed out.
Aftermath: The music of the Business Slex played as he made his debut in the Battle Kingdom. Slex initially congratulated Bury before smashing him with the Championship belt and decimating him before draping the gold over the lifeless Bury and then leaving.
Winner: AND STILL BCW Heavyweight Champion Nick Bury via submission
Please let us know what you enjoyed about the show and we look forward to seeing you all again on Friday 26 March 2021 for BCW 42!