Our next match announcement for BCW 29: LUCHA DOWNUNDERGROUND II NIGHT TRES features MIL MUERTES with CATRINA taking on the Gautlet that is resident Sydeny-siders GATT and LUCIUS WULFE!
With MUERTES involved in two BCW Heavyweight Championship Matches at NIGHT UNO and NIGHT DOS there is a strong possibility that this match is for the BCW Heavyweight Championship!
An opportunity has been presented to both GATT and WULFE whereby their debuts can be golden. GATT an underrated talent that can “GO” while LUCIUS WULFE is a tall human monument that promotes his worth whether screaming from the Harbour Bridge or ourside the Opera House.
On Sunday 28 April 2019 will the MAN OF A THOUSAND DEATHS be victorious or will his reign of terror over the Battle Kingdom come to a halt at the hands of GATT or WULFE?
Book your tickets now to find out live at the Actors Centre Australia, Shop 30A, 23 Norton Street, Leichhardt, Sydney: