In our next match announcement for BCW 28: LUCHA DOWNUNDERGROUND II NIGHT DOS the HARDCORE BITCH VIXSIN takes on the returning ARYA REIGN!
Back at BCW 25 ARYA was set to compete for BCW Women’s Championship No.1 Contendership in a Gauntlet Match but was unable to make the match.
Notwithstanding VIXSIN went on to win that match and earn herself a Championship opportunity against then reigning Champion, Melina.
At NIGHT UNO VIXSIN will be given yet another opportunity to win gold which may in fact turn this match up into a BCW Women’s Championship Match providing ARYA REIGN with the same opportunity!
On Saturday 27 April 2019 will VIXSIN assert her dominance once more or will ARYA reign supreme?
Book your tickets now to find out live at the Dom Polski Centre located at 232 Angas St, Adelaide: