Last night BATTLE CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING 54 took place producing the following results:-
OPENING: Kenta Kobashi greeted the Battle Kingdom and spoke of his joy being remembered in Australia after retiring in 2013.
Match 1 – Five-Way BCW Battle Express No.1 Contendership Match:
Gabriel Wolfe Vs Emman Azman Vs Sam Yannis Vs Levi Nixon Vs Famous B
In tornado rules, these five combatants were absolutely everywhere all at once as they vied to be the next in line. When it looked like Wolfe was all but done and Famous B was about to get his rematch for Gold, Wolfe appeared, stole the victory and the opportunity with less than two minutes on the clock.
Winner: … and new BCW Battle Express No.1 Contender Gabriel Wolfe via pinfall
Match 2 – Barry Lucky O’Leary Vs Lucius Wulfe
The debut of O’Leary was impressive as he went toe to toe with the Human Sledgehammer. Power and skill was on display before Lucky ended the affair with a pinfall victory.
Winner: Barry Lucky O’Leary via pinfall
Match 3 – BCW Women’s Championship:
Caity Luxe (c) Vs Tarlee
A rematch from last show, saw a more positive Tarlee attempt to wrestle away the Gold from the Champion. However Luxe doing what she does best, found a way to bend the rules and get the win and title retention.
Winner: … STILL BCW Women’s Champion Caity Luxe via pinfall
Match 4 – Robbie Thorpe w/This Guy Vs Cletus
In a match where Cletus was hoping to gain redemption after being toppled out of the Battle Rumble by an un-entered Thorpe, the numbers game was simply too much. Cletus was valiant but The Gift with the assist from This Guy finished the match with a bridging arm bar submission.
After the match the assault continued before an unexpected save by Barry Lucky O’Leary.
Winner: Robbie Thorpe via submission
Match 5 – BCW Battle Express Championship:
Sean Preston (c) Johnathan Preston
Brother Vs Brother, there was no slowing down in this contest. Johnathan dominated throughout as he wanted his Championship back. Sean was undeterred and showed great residence before reversing a sleeper hold and scoring the pin in the final minute of the match.
Thankfully Mother will not be mad for long as these brothers embraced after the bell.
Winner: … and STILL BCW Battle Express Champion Sean Preston via pinfall
Match 6 – BCW Heavyweight Championship No.1 Contendership:
Gabriel Aeros w/Eli Theseus Vs Zhan Wen w/Emman Azman
In a match which was supposed to be a Tag Team Title contest, but compromised due to injuries on both sides, was quickly morphed into a No.1 Contendership match as Aeros agreed to place his opportunity on the line if Zhan Wen placed Midnight 3’s Tag Title opportunity on the line. It was hard hitting between these two combatants until Aeros used his gold chain equaliser to clock Wen and gain the pin.
After the match The Parea declared there were no more contenders left for them. Enter The Sexy Greek Boys who challenged their counterparts for BCW 55 and agreed to break up as a team for good if they are unsuccessful.
Winner: … and STILL BCW Heavyweight Championship No.1 Contender Gabriel Aeros via pinfall
Match 7 – Jordie Sparkles Super Open Challenge:
Jordie Sparkles Vs Gore
Sparkles spoke to the Battle Kingdom excited by his challenge until Gore answered the call. In not much of a contest, Gore dismantled his foe nailing a dominator for the one foot on the chest victory.
Winner: Gore via pinfall
Match 8 – Kenta Kobashi Hosted BCW Heavyweight Championship Match:
Mick Moretti (c) Vs Damian Slater
Kenta Kobashi made his way to the ring to greet both competitors before shaking their hands, though some insistence was required for Slater.
This match involved two wrestlers wanting to be declared the best in the Battle Kingdom. Slater used every trick he had including the referee to almost claim supremacy. However The Rapscallion would not stay down and when the curb stomp did not work, a dragon sleeper did as he forced the submission on Slater to retain his Championship.
Winner: … and STILL BCW Heavyweight Champion Mick Moretti via submission
Please provide your feedback on the show and we otherwise look forward to seeing you all at BCW 55 on Friday 24 November 2023 featuring Ernest The Cat Miller!